Monday, March 7, 2011

Brand Spanking New Cheese Snack

I dare someone to make this. This does not exist yet from what I understand. You bake two crackers from scratch, but you have to bake them in a hemispheric mold. So instead of the crackers being flat each is a concave hollow hemisphere. They have to be the same size. You take a small ball of cheese, whatever kind you like, and you place it in one of the hemispheres. Then you take some honey and you smear it along the edge of each cracker hemisphere and you stick them together. The honey should act as a tasty adhesive, and hopefully the two halves will stick together with the ball of cheese in the middle. If the honey does not work then use a stronger edible adhesive. It will also most likely be sweet. You could probably also bake the cracker with the cheese in it and the honey already smeared, and this way the cheese will melt, and the honey should harden and weld together the two halves of cracker. There is a great deal of potential variation in both crackers and cheeses which can be used, so it can really satisfy anyone's palette. I would love to see pictures of both successful and failed attempts lol. What should we call these cheesy treats?


  1. Cheesy Cracker ball? does sound really good. We just need a good name for it!

  2. Actually... i'm sorry about my last comment

  3. Wow, that actually sounds perfectly amazing! Thanks for thinking this up, I may have to try it!

  4. So like mini cracker bowls. That sounds delicious.

  5. Wow.... that sounds really delicious.... and I don't even like cheese! >.<

  6. Report when you have made them yourself!

  7. Go make some, post pics, be famous worldwide!

  8. I think you can earn fortune on it! :)

  9. Do it up, theres crazier stuff out there!

  10. I was with you right up to the honey. I'm sure it would be good, but I love my cheese!!!
